Second Chances - Jekyll and Hyde

Second Chances Well these quotes say a lot, mean a lot and teach a lot...right? I have always been one strong individual, mentally I mean... Through all the battles I have faced, I have won and come out stronger than I went in. But lately...I feel weak. I used to have zero tolerance for being treated poorly by anyone, and I mean anyone... Until I fell in love. The chances I gave proved pointless and painful. Yet the lesson was still never taught. Maybe because there was always hope? Always something going through my mind attempting to excuse their words, actions, behaviour? A 'Jekyll and Hyde' kind of character is the easiest and hardest to love. They make you want to take a bullet for them one minute...and make you want to be the one shooting them the next. They help ease anxiety...but are the very reason your anxious... They make you love them and hate them all at once. They make you smile...then cry in the same ...