The Day I Said Goodbye

The Day I said Goodbye
Chapters 1&2

Chapter 1
It was not goodbye, when your chest did still.
It was not goodbye, when your eyelids shut.
It was not goodbye, when my hand left yours.
Although the action, deeply did cut.

The garden I remember, the colours, and the smells.
Flowers growing and blossoming, all year round. 
The games we’d play, as children in paradise.
Let’s not forget, all the eggs we found.

I remember the magic times, the happy times, and low times.
I remember the moments, each event, each little thing.
The atmosphere would surround us, in an aura of colour.
I’d confide in you, and the birds would sing.

It was not goodbye, when our words were said.
It was not goodbye, when you were laid to rest.
It was today, that I knew, would be the final goodbye.
Today, was the final, test.

I wondered around your space, so empty.
For each heart break, a tear would fall.
A thousand fell in a moment, you saw.
As I held up, holding against the wall.

Flashbacks emerged, from the most unexpected of corners.
Pain, bullet fast, in my chest so raw.
I knew it would be, the very end my dear.
The moment, we would close, the door.

Your home, was my ultimate safe place.
No matter how I felt, with you, I’d always be.
It was heart tearing, for me, to see it.
My safe place, as empty, as me.

I leave the silent space, for a colourless one.
It befalls faded, and lifeless outside.
I knew then love, that it was really goodbye.
The day, that your garden,

Chapter 2
I cannot accept, the love I have lost.
I did not want today, to befall on me.
However I would regret, the chance if missed.
I approach you, and peace is what I see.

The atmosphere did surround us, in an aura of colour.
This all feels, very familiar, my dear.
Am I meant to be feeling this way, right now?
Because I feel, like you, are really here.

The weight lifted itself, from upon my shoulders. 
A smile grew wide, on my face.
I left your home, with my tears left inside.
And you gave me, a new safe place.

Where the birds will sing, colours will dance.
Where the flowers will blossom, and thrive.
It may be, that your garden has passed.
But the lakes, have come alive.

I touched the water, where ashes once danced.
And asked, give me strength, for I am weak.
And you said, “you are stronger than this”.
Those are the words, I longed to seek.

My sadness lifted, for that one moment.
It felt almost magical, and untrue.
But in that moment, I realised this.
My ultimate safe place, is you.

We each left, with one glance back.
The sun shone high, from above.
I looked and said, “goodbye my angel”.
And I felt you say,
“Ta ta, love” 


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