
Showing posts from September, 2017

Fluctuating State of Mind

Fluctuating State of Mind My mind is a hard piece of bodily equipment to deal with right now. If only it were as simple as getting an engineer out to fix it... My moods, feelings and emotions fluctuate daily, sending me on highs and lows and around roundabouts. Its nauseating and unsettling. Any trigger can have me flip from one to the other, my emotional roller-coaster is a bumpy ride, getting through each day okay is a struggle. I can be bubbly, happy, funny and completely on the ball at work. Something small could set those on "Pause" whilst I can feel stressed or angry or anxious, frustrated, embarrassed, confused, feeling 'not with it', and like i am in a different world all together. It's exhausting. I can be a total 'social butterfly' to then wanting to isolate my self completely, not really bothering with people or only engaging with a couple of people in my life. I don't ignore people as such but if someone in my personal life t...

Anxiety - The Good and the Bad

The Good and the Bad What is Anxiety? What is it really? Because I am pretty sure it is different for everyone, the same as Depression is. Mental health illnesses are not like regular illnesses, like the common cold for example.  Picture yourself in a room with another person. You both have a common cold. You will most likely both have a cough, runny nose, headaches. Now lets say you both have Anxiety issues. One may get a racing heart, whilst the other person may not. You maybe hyperventilating whilst the other person's hands are flexing and moving uncontrollably. One of you may feel nauseous, be physically sick in fact, due to the impact of emotions coursing through the mind and body. Whilst the other holds their head from the loud words and feelings pounding their brain.  I could go on forever but I am touching a little bit on my last post, about symptoms of Mental Health changing, being different, each person having the same diagnosis but the symptoms bei...

My Appetite

A Symptom of Poor Mental Health My Appetite In my 'younger days' I sound too mature there...Lets start again. When I was younger and suffering with my mental health illnesses, I would over-indulge when it came to food. In fact...I'd over-indulge during whatever emotion or feeling. I'd eat when I was sad, eat when I was happy, eat whilst with friends, eat out of boredom. I think you get the picture... However I used to get so low and down over my weight, I hated my image, hated my body, hated my face...again, you get the picture... I tried eating healthy, exercising, dieting, the usual weight loss techniques. Due to my lack of energy and commitment to these, I ended up just giving up, slipping backwards, and ended up almost 14 stone. I believe I weighed 13 stone and 9 pounds when I was at my largest. I didn't find that attractive on my 5 foot 4 young self... But still, my habits didn't change. This was due to all sorts of reasons, partly my o...

Self Harm

Self Harm This is quite a sore subject (excuse the pun). However it is an area of mental health which I feel there is still a lot of stigma around, and lack of understanding.  A lot of people do not understand self harm, or why people do it, why they would mutilate their body, and how this act helps them in any way. Well...there are lots of reasons why people feel the impulse to self harm, to feel physical pain. I was 11 years old, when I first cut myself. I cant remember the details as to where and how, I am pretty sure I used a razor. I had no intent to end my life, the wounds were not located anywhere dangerous, although they felt deep. This act of self mutilation became an on-going activity, if you want to call it that. I would cut my arms, wrists, ribs, thighs, hands...for many years. Although you wouldn't be able to tell now if you looked at me. That part of my life is behind me and the scars have now faded away to almost nothing.  There were many re...

Delving into the Deep

My Mental Health Illnesses My journey began when I was 10 but took a massive dive by 11 years of age. That was when I had it. That 'it' being Severe Clinical Depression, I also suffer with Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD). It took a while to come to terms with this, to grasp an understanding of two things that, at that age...I knew very little about.  I was self harming from 11 also. A young age to be mutilating and causing physical damage.  By 14 years old I was put on fluoxetine, a prozac anti-depressant medication, and have been on a-ray of different medication ever since. To this day, I am still fighting the battle and have been everyday, but can say after the many things I have tried, many coping mechanisms I have built up, distraction techniques found. I have been coping and dealing with it all differently to my clueless younger self. My mental health troubles have haunted me since I was 10. Now almost 26 it still continues to show up and condemn me. ...

Make Over Mental Health

Make up and Beauty...And Mental Health Make up and the art of looking 'good' plays a massive role in my journey through various mental health conditions, and daily struggles. I couldn't begin to discuss the countless YouTube tutorial videos I have watched, the practising I have done over the years to grasp what works for me, to find my own look, the looks that make me feel comfortable and confident...hidden.  We are taught from a young age by peers and the media, that we are ugly. To have that drummed into you so young creates severe levels of insecurities, and we all have them. Men and women, boys and girls. We all have insecurities about our selves.  I look like such a different person when I paint my face to how I feel beautiful. But with this comes comments when I don't wear make up. "You look different without make up" "You look better without make up" "You have no make up on, are you ok?" "Why are you not wearing...

Underneath The Mask - Introduction

Lets Talk Mental Health So when I thought about starting a blog, I began with a blog about beauty...ranging from product reviews to tutorials. I titled this 'The Confessions of a Beauty Addict', and I didn't post much/often. But the truth is, the real confession of 'this' beauty addict, is hiding what is underneath, to paint a picture of confidence which I feel society would accept, to make myself feel I am anything beautiful. My name is Nikkita. I work in mental health, I have suffered with it much longer. Without a degree in Mental Health, I suppose I am considered an 'expert by experience'? I am not sure, however I am confident when I am at work...when I am helping others suffering with complex care needs, dark journeys, deep mental health struggles etc etc. Feel free to ask me why.  I won't delve too deep into my own journey in the intro. And I don't know why I am even writing a blog about the mental health we suffer with so indivi...